Weekly Announcements
Weekly Announcements
To Shelley Bulman on the engagement of her granddaughter, Ariella Bulman, to Bentzy Klarfeld. Mazel tov also to the parents, Pinny & Melissa Bulman of Riverdale, and Josh & Henna Klarfeld of Cleveland..
To Shelley Bulman on the wedding of her grandson, Shua Bulman, to Shani Schur, and also to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Meir Bulman of Silver Spring, MD, and Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Schur of Lakewood, NJ
To Alma Schatten on the birth of a great-granddaughter, and to the maternal grandmother, Debbie Kadosh, and to the parents, Leanne & Mor Osher
To Shelley Bulman on the engagement of her grandson, Shua Bulman, to Shani Schur, and also to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Meir Bulman of Silver Spring, MD, and Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Schur of Lakewood, NJ
To Elan & Judy Rieser on the bar mitzvah of their son, Gilad Yehuda
To Nuri and Margo Daynish and their entire family on the bat mitzvah of their daughter Alma
To Yosef Rabinowitz for sponsoring kiddush on August 17th, in commemoration of his father's yahrzeit.
To Michelle Bender for sponsoring kiddush on July 27th, in honor of her special birthday
To Avrohom and Shaindel Schoenberg and to Michael and Rivka Cohn for sponsoring kiddush on June 15th, in honor of the upcoming wedding of Avrohom and Shaindel's son, Dovid, and to commemorate the 5th yartzheit (on 8 Sivan) of Michael's father, Rabbi Bert Cohn (Rav Moshe Baruch ben haChaver Tzvi Aaron haKohen)
To Shaindel Schoenberg and Dvora Hersh for sponsoring kiddush on June 8th, on the yahrzeit of Shaindel's father, Shlomo ben Dovid HaLevi, and on the 20th yahrzeit of Dvora's father, Richard Lowe (Kalonymus ben Yitzchok)
To Elan & Judy Rieser for sponsoring kiddush on April 13th on the bar mitzvah of their son, Gilad Yehuda
To Rabbi and Rebbetzein Hoffman for sponsoring kiddush on March 30th in honor of Elisheva and Eliezer who are are celebrating their 4th and 2nd birthdays and in memory of the Rebbetzin's grandfather Shlomo Yehuda whose yahrzeit is the 18th of Adar
To the Hoffmans for sponsoring bagel brunch on Purim
To the co-sponsors of the kiddush on March 23th: Margot Fein on the yahrzeit of her father, Lou Fein, and Dvora Hersh on the seventh yahrzeit of her mother, Marjorie Lowe
To Michelle Bender for sponsoring kiddush on February 17th in honor of the first birthday of her granddaughter, Aurora Annalee (Chanaleah Ora), and in gratitude to Hashem for His Protection during Michelle's accident, and His Presence during her months of rehab
To Bernice Katz for sponsoring kiddush on February 10th with thanks to Hashem
To Morris Whitcup for sponsoring kiddush on February 3rd in memory of his wife Laura Whitcup o"h, whose yahrzeit was 23 Shevat
To Elan & Judy Rieser for sponsoring kiddush on January 27th on the 14th yahrzeit of Yehuda Paltiel, Elan's maternal grandfather, and the 21st yahrzeit of Zelda Wolberg Kunofsky, Judy's paternal grandmotheron
To Elan & Judy Rieser for sponsoring kiddush on January 20th on the 10th yahrzeit of Menucha Paltiel, Elan’s maternal grandmother
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our member Tehilla Yocheved (Paltiel) Rieser (Tehilla Yocheved bat Yehuda v’Ita Mina) o"h
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our long-term member, and former Shul Administrator, Ilse Gruenspecht (Yent Yehudit bat Aharon) o"h
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our long-term member Laura Whitcup ((Leah Necheh bat Yosef) o"h
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
May the families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem
We are observing the following Yahrzeits this week:
Moshe Norton (Moshe ben Ephraim) o"h, 6 Elul
Isaac Freifeld (Yitzchak ben Yoel) o"h, 8 Elul
Alex Miller (Eliah Michael ben Shmuel) o"h, 8 Elul
Abraham Fuhrer (Avraham Aryeh ben Pinchas) o"h, 10 Elul
Monica Spier o"h, 29 Adar I 5779 (March 6, 2019)
To read Rabbi Bloch's hesped for Monica Spier o"h, click here.
Itshak Holtz o"h, 13 Tevet 5779 (December 20, 2018)
To read Rabbi Bloch's hesped for Itshak Holtz o"h, click here.
Sheva Shtaygrud o''h, 22 Tammuz 5777 (June 16, 2017)
To read Rabbi Bloch's tribute to Sheva Shtaygrud o''h, click here.
Audrey Nutovich o''h, 17 Tammuz 5777 (June 11, 2017)
To read Rabbi Hoffman's hesped for Audrey Nutovich o''h, click here
Martin Spier o"h, 27 Adar 5777 (March 25, 2017)
To read Rabbi Hoffman's hesped for Martin Spier o"h, click here.
To read Rabbi Bloch's hesped for Martin Spier o"h, click here.
Fri, September 13 2024
10 Elul 5784
Yaakov Hoffman
Ellis Bloch
Rabbi Emeritus
Elan Rieser
Tamsin Wolf
Shul Administrator
Mt. Sinai Eruv status, call:
(646) 450 - ERUV or
SMS (412) 213 - 8991
Web: Click Here
Sponsor the Mt Sinai Eruv
For YU Eruv Status, please Click Here.
Please send requests
to join our mailing list to tamsinwolf@gmail.com
or call the shul office at
(212) 923 - 4407
Week of Sep 8-14
Parashat Ki Teitzei
Sep 13-14
6:49 pm
6:50 pm
8:40 am
Rabbi Schwartz's Gemara Shiur
5:45 pm
6:45 pm
7:46 pm