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Weekly Announcements


To Rabbi Ezra Schwartz on his engagement to Ms. Stefanie Bloom of Philadelphia

To Ada Maccabee on the wedding of her granddaughter,  Nechama Lea, to Avigdor Pollak on November 24th

To Shelley Bulman and family on the engagement of her granddaughter,Yael Zacks, to Shmuli Langsner, and also to the parents, Yaakov and Devorah Zacks of Detroit, and Nachum and Miriam Langsner of Cleveland

To Shelley Bulman and family on the wedding of her granddaughter, Ariella Bulman, to Bentzy Klarfeld, and also to the parents, Pinny and Melissa Bulman of Riverdale, and Josh and Henna Klarfeld of Cleveland

To Ada Maccabee on the engagement of her granddaughter, Nechama Lea Maccabee, to Avigdor Polak

To Shelley Bulman on the wedding of her grandson, Shua Bulman, to Shani Schur, and also to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Meir Bulman of Silver Spring, MD, and Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Schur of Lakewood, NJ 


To Elan & Judy Rieser for sponsoring kiddush on February 8 on the yahrzeits of Zelda Wolberg Kunofsky (Zelda bas Shaul Chaim), Judy’s paternal grandmother, and Yehuda Paltiel (Yehuda ben Chaim Shlomo), Elan’s maternal grandfather 

To Elan & Judy Rieser for sponsoring kiddush on February 1 on the yahrzeit of Ita Mina (Menucha) Paltiel (Ita Mina bat Tzvi Kalman HaLevi), Elan’s maternal grandmother

To Dvora Hersh and Elan & Judy Rieser for sponsoring kiddush on January 11 in memory of Dvora's brother, Robert Lowe (Yitzchok ben Kalonymus), and on the yahrzeit of Judy’s maternal grandmother and Dorothy’s Bromberg's mother, Alice Einhorn Cohen (Elka bas Shmuel Yitzchak HaCohen)

To Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hoffman for sponsoring kiddush on January 4 in honor of his Siyum Tanach


It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our member Tehilla Yocheved (Paltiel) Rieser (Tehilla Yocheved bat Yehuda v’Ita Mina) o"h

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our long-term member, and former Shul Administrator, Ilse Gruenspecht (Yent Yehudit bat Aharon) o"h

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our long-term member Laura Whitcup ((Leah Necheh bat Yosef) o"h

המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

May the families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem


We are observing the following Yahrzeits this week: 

Chasha Liben (Chasa bat Eliahu) o"h, 11 Shevat

Ida Lambek (Yehudit Chana bat Shlomo Hacohen) o"h, 12 Shevat

Shirley Wolf (Sara bat Mordechai) o''h, 13 Shevat

Berta Dreyfuss (Bracha bat Pinchas) o"h, 14 Shevat

Bentsion Korik (Bentsion Simcha ben Gedalia) o"h, 14 Shevat

Isaac Eisner (Yitzchak ben Mordechai) o"h, 17 Shevat

Eugene Steiner (Yaakov ben Shlomo) o"h, 17 Shevat



Monica Spier o"h, 29 Adar I 5779 (March 6, 2019)

    To read Rabbi Bloch's hesped for Monica Spier o"h, click here.

Itshak Holtz o"h, 13 Tevet 5779 (December 20, 2018)

    To read Rabbi Bloch's hesped for Itshak Holtz o"h, click here.

Sheva Shtaygrud o''h, 22 Tammuz 5777 (June 16, 2017)

    To read Rabbi Bloch's tribute to Sheva Shtaygrud o''h, click here.  

Audrey Nutovich o''h, 17 Tammuz 5777 (June 11, 2017)

    To read Rabbi Hoffman's hesped for Audrey Nutovich o''h, click here

Martin Spier o"h, 27 Adar 5777 (March 25, 2017)

    To read Rabbi Hoffman's hesped for Martin Spier o"h,  click here.  

    To read Rabbi Bloch's hesped for Martin Spier o"h, click here.  

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785