Elan Rieser
Elan, a native of Washington Heights, has been attending the Washington Heights Congregation for over 15 years, brought there by his wife Judy who was sure that he would find Rabbi Bloch's drashot as inspiring as she did. He did, they stayed, and they raised their four sons in the shul.
Yosef Rabinowitz
Vice President
Yosef has served on the board since the mid-1990s, including stints as President (2006-2012) and Treasurer (1998-2006). Since 2007, he has been our Gabbai Rishon and he often leins or leads the davening as well. Yosef is the founder and Managing Director of TBRC Cost Recovery LLC, a consulting firm that guides businesses and nonprofits in the reduction of their telecommunications costs
Harry Epstein
Harry has been living in the neighborhood since his days as a student at YU. A longtime member of the shul, he joined the Board in 1992, and since then has been Recording Secretary, First Vice President, and President, as well as holding his current position as Treasurer.
Morris Whitcup
Financial Secretary
He and his wife Laura, have been Washington Heights residents since 1975 and members of the Congregation for over 30 years. Since receiving his PhD. from Columbia University, Dr. Whitcup has held senior positions at several market research companies, focusing on pharmaceutical research. He is a noted expert on over-the-counter medicine label communication and has presented before the FDA and other industry forums.
Bob Wolf
Recording Secretary
While pursuing his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at Columbia, Bob met his future wife Tamsin at Old Broadway Synagogue. In the fall of 1989, about a year after they married, the Wolfs moved to Washington Heights and soon became active members of Washington Heights Congregation. Bob has been on the Board since 1990 and served for many years as Vice President and bulletin editor. A passionate reader, Bob maintains his academic interest in Yiddish literature. He and Tamsin shep nakhes from their twins, Yitzi and Shira.
TRUSTEES (in addition to the above who are also Trustees)
Shelley Bulman
Shelley Bulman, and her husband, Aaron o"h, joined the Washington Heights Congregation in the fall of 1971, just after its move uptown to West 179th St. In later years they both became Board Members, and Aaron o"h served as President of the shul from 1995 until his untimely death in 2002. Their children, Pinny, Meir, Devorah, and Rena grew up in the shul. Shelley works at the JCC of Washington Heights-Inwood and teaches in the Elementary English Dept. of Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.
Michael Cohn
Margot Fein
Ada Maccabee
Ira Saiger
Wed, February 12 2025
14 Shevat 5785
Yaakov Hoffman
Ellis Bloch
Rabbi Emeritus
Elan Rieser
Tamsin Wolf
Shul Administrator
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Week of Feb 9-15
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13
Parashat Yitro
Feb 14-15
5:10 pm
5:11 pm
8:40 am
Rabbi Schwartz's Shiur
will not meet this week
5:10 pm
6:12 pm
Washington Heights Congregation (“The Bridge Shul”)
Meeting at: 135 Bennett Ave. (corner of 187th Street), Lower level of Mt. Sinai Jewish Center • Phone/fax: 212-923-4407
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1066 New York, NY 10040-9998
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